How to save at the Birthday Bash!

Online Birthday Bash!
Online Birthday Bash!

Thirty-One Gifts is celebrating their birthday with by holding an online Birthday Bash featuring Bring-Back Birthday Bundles. There will each feature two popular products in bring-back prints from previous prints at 31% off!  (Please note that personalization -if available- will not be discounted.) The bundles will only be available while supplies last so get those order in!

On Thursday, October 20th starting at 9:00 a.m. PST (but not before then!), you can start shopping the Birthday Bash specials through here…. Birthday Bash! (Select day/time only)

(Please make sure to use this link or you could be signed up with a different consultant.)

These special orders must be in by 8:00 p.m. on Thursday… but we don’t know if supplies will last that long… so get your orders in as soon as you can!

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